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Theatre and Citizenship Series: The Kentucky Cycle

Date and time

April 8, 2004

About this event

The Center for the Study of Citizenship is sponsoring a lecture program to complement the Hilberry Theatre’s production of The Kentucky Cycle, a two-part play by Robert Schenkkan that tells the story of three Kentucky families from 1775 to 1975. Center director, Marc Kruman, will moderate a panel discussion during the intermission between parts I and II of the play after an “all-American” buffet picnic dinner, bluegrass entertainment from Michigan’s troubadour, Neil Woodward, and a welcome from Blair Anderson, chair of the theater department.

Sandra F. VanBurkleo, associate professor of history and adjunct professor of law, will speak about the play in relation to Kentucky’s history. Lavinia Hart, co-director of the play, will describe how the Hilberry’s production illustrates the themes of the play. The play’s audience and cast then participated in a discussion about citizenship and The Kentucky Cycle, focusing especially on the issue of land ownership as it relates to allegiance and belonging to a community, state, or nation.


Hilberry Theatre
Wayne State University
4743 Cass Ave.
Detroit, MI 48201