Get involved

Wayne State is an urban research university. This presents students with the unique opportunity to work with faculty on projects that go far beyond textbooks and lectures. Through undergraduate research, students gain professional experience in writing, analysis and the discovery of knowledge.

Visit the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) for more information.

Why get involved in research at Wayne State?

  • Build your network with faculty, graduate students, in-the-field researchers and fellow undergraduate researchers.
  • Enhance your résumé for graduate school and future employment opportunities.
  • Earn practical, hands-on learning through independent work with complex tasks and open-ended problem-solving.
  • Learn critical thinking skills, information and data gathering, data analysis/synthesis, problem-solving and lab techniques.

Getting started

Speak with your faculty mentor and advisor

Find a faculty mentor with similar research interests to your own and let them know that you're interested in working with them on a current or upcoming project.

Find professors interested in taking on students for various research projects through UROPCONNECT.

Your department's advisor may also know which professors are looking for undergraduate researchers.

Volunteer for research work

Some professors may be able and willing to pay you for doing undergraduate research, but generally, this is not the case.

Instead, look for volunteer opportunities. You can earn a great deal of real-world experience through volunteer research work.

Take course credit

You can do research for course credit, through upper-level courses such as a directed study. Visit UGR opportunities for a list of specific courses.

Add to your experience by taking research methods courses. This includes classes on research methods, statistics, science labs, etc.

Explore departmental research

Visit the research page of your department to learn more about on-going and upcoming opportunities.